Stephanie Galloway-Brown
Can you explain the journey you have taken to become a portrait artist? I came to painting later in life. I had always loved portraiture and a…
Elizabeth Becker
You make the interesting comment, “The watercolours have a life of their own, as they bleed together and slowly bloom, it is liberating to me – it…
Sally Ward
What led you to specialize in portrait painting? I’ve always been interested in the human figure as a subject and used to draw faces endlessly as a…
Abdelhalim Kebieche
Is your art your only source of income? Indeed, as my work reveals the reality of the tragic reality of ‘Man’. My works of art really don’t harmonize…
Henry Jabbour
You use colour and very heavy brush strokes; how do you still capture such serenity? That is such an interesting question. I definitely don’t feel…
Damian Callan
You title your art as figurative art, discuss this using image to explain the terminology. Most of my drawings and paintings feature figures and…
Trudi Harley
Don't give up your dream to paint - Trudi Harley testifies to this, proving the need to paint exists. Harley paints with honesty and maturity,…
Jennifer Krause Chapeau
You were a finalist in the Luxembourg Art Prize, - Can you explain… about the Luxembourg Art Prize? Yes I was one of 12 finalists selected…
James Hart Dyke
The more British Artists I interview the more often HRH The Prince of Wales name keeps coming up. Can you discuss the opportunities of this…
Emily Jones
You refer to your art as ‘Contemporary Representational’, can you expand on this? Yes, I use this term as my work is a synthesis of traditional…
Henry Jabbour
You trained initially as a biologist and worked as a scientist, has this part of your past influenced your current art practice of painting people?…
Judy Drew
Between 1976 – 1984 you spent time on Bougainville Island and Papua New Guinea discuss the influence of this time on your work? In the beginning…
John Mutsaers
Can you discuss your series, ‘The Infinite Birdcage’? As this series is somewhat organic it makes it hard to suggest the number of works I will…
James Mackenzie
On completing your degree, you taught, when did you decide to take on painting full time? While teaching Art and Design in secondary education for 8…
Lorenzo Chinnici
Can you explain about the chance meeting of your son with David Kent’s son in Brick Lane, London and where and how this lead to ‘Synergy of Sons’?…
Susan Harrison-Tustain
Perpetual Moment, Miniature painting, Watercolor on Arches 300gsm hot pressed paper, 130mm x 100mm Can we take your work in four sections? Close…
Trina Bohan
Can you discuss your use of colour? I usually paint with an earth palette, ochre’s, umbers and greys. And add touches of pure crimsons and oranges.…