Lauren Betty

Can you expand on your comment, “…there is a rhythm that exists on the farm” how does this rhythm influence your art? When my husband and I came…

Greg Kent

Your wood comes via local tree surgeons.  Do you give them a list of trees you are after, or is it a mystery delivery? I collect wood from wherever I…

Veronica Hodges

 You are currently living and working in Denmark, how did this come about? I am born a raised in Denmark. My father was American and my mother…

Janine Heschl

It is going back to 2015 but I love the simplicity of ‘Jacket Sparrow’ discuss. Back in 2015, I had just finished an intense portrait of a meerkat…

Tina Vlassopulos

When did you decide to do one-off built pieces?  I studied ceramics in the 70s when an interest in sculptural ceramics was just beginning to grow but…

Julie Nelson

Can you discuss the importance of symbolism in your work? Symbols allow us to communicate without the barrier of language. They might mean different…

Susan Avishai

You have been working with textile waste for the past ten years.  What lead you to this area of art? Inspiration. My mother died in 2009 and the sad…

Kate Schuricht

On completion of your Three Dimensional Design degree you participated in a ceramic residency in Japan. How did your time in Japan influence and…

Sarah Hatton

How do you use different handles on different baskets? The basket usually tells you what handle it needs by its intended fuction. Shopping baskets…

Michelle Mischkulnig

Expand on your quote, “I am passionate about my art, created with joy”.Ramblers Garden 2, Detail I love starting each day with the sense of…

Susan Howe

How did you first become involved with POSHU? I first went to Africa in 2008 to live with my husband and children. Our neighbour was a doctor working…

Barbara Brown

Can you expand on your Installation – Red Oak Labyrinth? Many people in Ottawa have long desired to build a Botanical Garden. A plot of land was…

Eva Ennist

Can you explain about your residency at Tartu? Your personal background with Estonia Your mother’s working gloves How these two aspects influenced…

Gjertrud Hals

Explain about your recent work with copper wire.EIR series, Knitted copper wire, Photo by Sjur Fedje  For the last 2-3 years I have been working…

Helen McAllister

Explain about your training both PHD in Practice Design and MA in Embroidered Textiles. The Embroidery interest emerged in my final years in school.…

David Oliveira

Your sculpture is just like a drawing.  How did you come to this technique? I consider my sculptures drawings, or if you prefer 3D drawings. I was…

Norm Sartorius

You comment, “It’s (a spoon) an instrument, a tool of nurturing that is universal, or very close to universal, in the human experience.” Discuss.…

Alison Crowther

Can you explain how you came to be working with wood, especially at such a large scale?  I started working with wood whilst doing my first degree in…

John Botica

Firstly, why pebbles? My interaction and encounter with pebbles was purely coincidental. My first cousins here in NZ are very successful and…

Christine Aaron

Christine Aaron, Porchester, NY, USA Making her mark in paper and wood with amazing effects. Zoneone Arts brings Christine Aaron to you… You call…

Neville French

Sumptuous-lavish, luxurious, opulent, magnificent, resplendent, lush, lavishly… These words only begin to introduce you to Neville French’s……

Rogan Brown

Expand on your comment, “Walking a narrow and sometimes contentious line between fact and fiction, observation and imagination” When I say that my…

Sidhart Sodhani

How did the Dye School coming into being?  I have been running a natural dye manufacturing and retail business over the past four and a half years…

Nathalie Hartog-Gautier

You comment,’ My work is focused on the voyage between people and their environment ….’  Can you explain this in relationship to your art work? My…

Roger Bennett

Discuss the use of colour in your work. I colour my work with water-based wood dyes, and I finish with three applications of Danish oil which…

Ruth Levine

Your art is about visual transformation of materials, discuss. I’m not intentionally an eco-artist. I see discarded and new materials in a…

Velma Bolyard

You make paper from many different natural sources discuss two very different papers and discuss the comparisons and differences between the two.…

Mark Stoner

h4>‘In collaboration’, can be said quickly and flippantly, but in your work it becomes an integral part.  Can you expand on this in relation to…

Evie Milo

You began your journey with a box of vintage buttons - tell us briefly about this creative journey?  I say that and it is partly true but in…

Kristy Kun

Can you please comment on the statement, ‘Harnessed by the warmth and touch of her hands, wool emerges in a new dimension?’ I really can't stop my…

Outi Martikainen

Your work has changed greatly since you completed Textile Art and Design in 1999. Can you point out several of the milestones? The whole way through…

Alain Mailland

You are an active member of the French Association of Artistic Woodturning, discuss how this membership has assisted in your career and……

Valdis Harrysdotter

Please discuss your vegetable paper bowls? Inspiration  design My inspiration is the material in itself.  Handling the vegetable paper and thinking…

Benoît Averly

xplain how meeting and speaking to Gilbert Buffard changed everything for you? I met Gilbert Buffard in 2002. A friend of mine had taken a class…

Miles Allen

 Has your art always been geometric and abstract? Apart from the occasional landscape or portrait my art has always been geometric and abstract. It…

Shannon Weber

Discuss how your work, had to be self-taught? When I first started making objects while living in a remote area along the Rogue River in Oregon, I…

Jan Hopkins

Can you discuss the way you continue to use organic materials such as, plant pods, flowers, and peel? I love the challenge of finding new materials…

Mariolina Mascarino

Can you discuss your thoughts on the overlapping of design and fashion in your work?In my mind design and fashion are true art forms which are…