Anne Petters
Having been born in Dresden how has this affected your art, with movements from, Germany, to USA and finally England? Born in Dresden in 1978 I grew…
Sahar Freemantle
Discuss race season and its value to millinery. The racing carnival is big in Melbourne with the 'Melbourne Cup', the race that stops a Nation.…
Richard McVetis
Do you feel that coming to embroidery without any preconceived knowledge has been a great asset to your work?I had a very basic view of textiles…
Ann Oram
Colour is a signature of your work. Discuss this using several of your paintings. Colour and its use is a very Scottish thing. I think we have a lot…
David Higgins
You have had many residencies take two and expand on how the actual residency developed your art. It is hard to say which residency has impacted me…
Penelope McMorris
What made you change direction and start on a career in photography? It was more a matter of “discovering” photography than of changing careers. I…
Nicholas Lees
You have said, “I am intrigued in exploring the boundaries between shadows and light.” Discuss in relations to your current work. My current body of…
Laura Baruël
Your work is varied from origami, plant printing and large paper art. How and why have Nordic flowers played such an important role in this work? At…
Nigel Cheney
Your work is often full of storytelling – comment. I am driven by narrative. I tend to anthropomorphise to an unhealthy extent and from an early age…
Nigel Cheney
Your work is often full of storytelling – comment. I am driven by narrative. I tend to anthropomorphise to an unhealthy extent and from an…
Sarah Hatton
How do you use different handles on different baskets? The basket usually tells you what handle it needs by its intended fuction. Shopping baskets…
Michelle Mischkulnig
Expand on your quote, “I am passionate about my art, created with joy”.Ramblers Garden 2, Detail I love starting each day with the sense of…
Paula Kovarik
Your most resent exhibition is titled, ‘Stitched Dissent'. Discuss the title and why you feel personally, the need to use art in relations to the…
Susan Brown
You used to paint only in water colour, recently you have been working in acrylic too. How do you find the two mediums? I had to reverse my brain…
Jo Davies
How does and English potter get a Solo exhibition in Shanghai? Last year I spent a few weeks in China teaching at Jingdezhen Ceramics Institute and…
Yekaterina (Katia) Mokeyeva
Take one piece that you are proud of and explain why? Innovation is what I am probably the proudest of. In sayings like "The new is the…
Angus McEwan
Can you expand on how you paint textures and surfaces? I work with watercolour to create my textures, exploring surfaces and details that convey each…
Katherine Downey Miller
How important is your environment to your past and current work? Growing up in New England, the weather and change of seasons became very important…
Preston Singletary
Can you expand how important, your glass art has been to your own Tlingit cultural heritage. I cannot claim that my work is any more important than…
Damian Callan
You title your art as figurative art, discuss this using image to explain the terminology. Most of my drawings and paintings feature figures and…
Belinda Wilson
Can you expand on your master’s Research, and relate the importance of art on current day issues – Climate change? The Master of Fine Art by research…
John Botica
Firstly, why pebbles? My interaction and encounter with pebbles was purely coincidental. My first cousins here in NZ are very successful and…
Nancy Newmen-Rice
Through lines, geometry, windows, parquet floors, staircases, contemporary buildings, gothic cathedrals, both internal and external, Nancy Newman…
Neville French
Sumptuous-lavish, luxurious, opulent, magnificent, resplendent, lush, lavishly… These words only begin to introduce you to Neville French’s……
Eleanor Bolton
Sailors, Scouts and Girl Guilds all know about knots, now Eleanor Bolton uses historical knotting and coiling techniques to make contemporary…
Susan McMinn
Explain how you managed to link your PhD to a visit to Israel? My PhD research was around the horse in war during the Palestine Campaigns of WW1.…
Annika Ekdahl
Why did you specialize in tapestry? All throughout my childhood and teens I drew and painted, but the Green Wave winds in the 1970s awoke my longing…
Carol Milne
Although it seems absurd, as an artist, I am much more interested and involved in the act of creation over the finished product. And it makes me…
Helen Richman
You have an ancient craft that you give a modern take to doing bespoke pieces. Can you give some insight into a small but precious piece you have…
Anne Covell
You make a very different comment to many other artists; you are interested in the capacity of the artist to physically shape the environment.…
Velma Bolyard
You make paper from many different natural sources discuss two very different papers and discuss the comparisons and differences between the two.…
César Orrico
When did you first combine wood into your sculptures? I have always been interested in research on the different materials applied to sculpture.…
Susan Wechsler
You can thank your mother for your mosaic art - explain. My mom has always been a big influence on my creative life. She is an artist too at a time…
Severija Inčirauskaitė-Kriaunevičienė
Can you explain how you first began this combination of metal and embroidery? I will admit that this is one of the most popular questions I get…
Gail Dell
Your work is often described as ‘playful’ what are your own thoughts on this in relationship to your work? I find that life in the studio requires a…
Robert Kelsey DA
Can you expand on your involvement with the Paisley Art Institute? I have been involved with Paisley Art Institute for over 40 years. The Institute…
Mark Stoner
h4>‘In collaboration’, can be said quickly and flippantly, but in your work it becomes an integral part. Can you expand on this in relation to…
James Mackenzie
On completing your degree, you taught, when did you decide to take on painting full time? While teaching Art and Design in secondary education for 8…
Lorenzo Chinnici
Can you explain about the chance meeting of your son with David Kent’s son in Brick Lane, London and where and how this lead to ‘Synergy of Sons’?…
Susannah Blaxill
Composition and cropping is very important to your work can you expand on this? The paintings and drawings have to work on the page. The choice of…
Lenny Lane
Can you expand on your innovative CV – Passport? Inspiration: The inspired process is a difficult thing to explain or put into words. I recall…
James Wilson
Can you briefly discuss your photographic history in relations to the Wilson Studio? Historically speaking, Wilson Studio is four generations old…
Richard Klekociuk
You make the comment that your work is all about “trying to say a lot with very little” Can you expand on this? I have been involved in producing…
Susan Harrison-Tustain
Perpetual Moment, Miniature painting, Watercolor on Arches 300gsm hot pressed paper, 130mm x 100mm Can we take your work in four sections? Close…
Jenny Smith
Discuss what lead you to use hand written answers in your artwork? I work in a number of different mediums: drawing, print, film, installation and…
Alain Mailland
You are an active member of the French Association of Artistic Woodturning, discuss how this membership has assisted in your career and……
Catharine Davison
Can you discuss how place influences your work? (Take two pieces to show this.) I remember being visually aware as a child, growing up in Kilkeel…
Meg Little
Explain the importance your move to Cornwall, in the UK, was to the development of your art in rug making? I moved to Cornwall in 1984 right after…
Vally Nomidou
Your exhibition ‘Let it Bleed’ is made up of female forms. Can you explain the vulnerability you have been able to portray? Fragility is the way…