Loren Eiferman

How overwhelmed do you feel about the environment we are passing onto the next generation? As with most of my circle, I feel very stressed about…

Jacob Barfield

Comment on your statement, ‘Piecing the puzzle of life together through art and creativity.’  This statement is something I created to describe the…

Jaynie Crimmins

Can you firstly, discuss the importance of the original text in all your pieces? My source materials are integral to the conceptualization of a…

Elizabeth Becker

You make the interesting comment, “The watercolours have a life of their own, as they bleed together and slowly bloom, it is liberating to me – it…

Kait Rhoads

Explain how spending six years on a boat in the Caribbean has influenced your work? I grew up, mostly underwater. The rhythm of the sea dictated my…

Barbara Nell Morejon

You have been working with textiles for over 30 years.  When did you narrow it down to felt making? Felting became my sole focus in 2005 when I…

Paul Balmer

This is a new format for Zoneone Arts.   I would like to introduce you to Paul  Balmer using two videos and following each video with the questions…

Daniel Mainzer

Can we discuss your project ‘Rubber Industry Project’? My rubber industry project which has produced a book and prints for exhibitions started with…

Jessica Brilli

As we are all coping with COVID and being isolated.  You have been painting.  Comment on, ‘The Neighbor’s House’.Neighbor’s House, 9 x 12 inches,…

Rick Satava

How did you first arrive at the idea of Jellyfish in your glass art? It was during the early years of when Monterey Bay Aquarium was first opened,…

Diane Meyer

When did you first combine stitch with photograph? I’ve been embroidering into photographs since 2011. Initially, I was interested in combining a…

Paula Kovarik

Your most resent exhibition is titled, ‘Stitched Dissent'.  Discuss the title and why you feel personally, the need to use art in relations to the…

Pamela Sunday

What, lead you to leap into ceramics full time? I entered the world of ceramic serendipitously.  A group of friends were searching for creative ways…

Keoni Carlson

Your work is an illusion.  Discuss Illusion work involves using one medium/material to look like another.  In my case, I use wood to represent the…

Susan Brown

You used to paint only in water colour, recently you have been working in acrylic too.  How do you find the two mediums? I had to reverse my brain…

Norma Minkowitz

So many found objects and textiles, how did this combination come about? Early on in the 1970's my work was both knitted and crocheted in opaque…

Norm Sartorius

You comment, “It’s (a spoon) an instrument, a tool of nurturing that is universal, or very close to universal, in the human experience.” Discuss.…

Charlene Foster

How influential was the Avon Place Glass in Cambridge, USA have on your early career? Avon Place Glass was the first hot shop I stepped foot into,…

Katherine Downey Miller

How important is your environment to your past and current work? Growing up in New England, the weather and change of seasons became very important…

Preston Singletary

Can you expand how important, your glass art has been to your own Tlingit cultural heritage. I cannot claim that my work is any more important than…

Nancy Newmen-Rice

Through lines, geometry, windows, parquet floors, staircases, contemporary buildings,  gothic cathedrals, both internal and external, Nancy Newman…

Christine Aaron

Christine Aaron, Porchester, NY, USA Making her mark in paper and wood with amazing effects. Zoneone Arts brings Christine Aaron to you… You call…

Reiko Miyagi

East meets West and Reiko Miyagi produces new ceramics Zoneone Arts brings Reiko Miyagi to you…   Can you explain about your pottery training and…

Pete Sack

Pete Sack, North Carolina, USA Sack shows and explains how he creates his images through his seven stage process... Zoneone Arts brings Pete Sack to…

Muffy Clark Gill

Takes the old craft of batik; into contemporary art, giving it an new life. Zoneone Arts brings Muffy Clark Gill to you…   I  first discovered…

Jan Huling

Jan Huling, New York, USA Beads, beads and more beads make up the art by Jan Huling. Zoneone Arts brings Jan Huling to you… What lead you to beads?…

Yevgeniya Kaganovich

Yevgeniya Kaganovich, Milwaukee, USA How does Kaganovich find the time? With this complex mix, Professor and Associate Chair of the Department of Art…

Tasha Lewis

Tasha Lewis, New York, USA Tasha Lewis explains how she showed her art around the world.  The Swam went from the South Pole to her home city, New…

Deborah Kruger

Deborah Kruger, Chapala, Mexico Deborah Kruger’s inspiration is taken from bird migrational patterns.  Kruger’s work is a story, interwoven with…

Sean Flood

Music, impacts on Sean Flood's art, depending on the rhythm or beat playing as he paints. We are aware of movement and sound in all his urban…

Jennifer Krause Chapeau

You were a finalist in the Luxembourg Art Prize, - Can you explain… about the Luxembourg Art Prize?         Yes I was one of 12 finalists selected…

Joseph Genova

How does your connections to Italy influence your art? Ever since I was a little boy in Italy, art took centre stage in my life. I was attracted to…

Anton Thomas

Can you discuss how important research and preparation is to your work? I estimate that some 35-40% of my overall labour time is research and prep,…

Caroline Bullock

Can you briefly explain the process of cyanotype and how you use this technique?  Cyanotype is a photographic printing process that produces a cyan…

Karen LaMonte

Rather than ask Karen LaMonte to repeat herself by answering my questions Zoneone Arts knows you will be enthralled by watching the video as Karen…

Francesca Vitali

How did you first become involved with paper? I have always folded paper since I was a kid. My parents' store, among other things used to run a lotto…

Carol Milne

Although it seems absurd, as an artist, I am much more interested and involved in the act of creation over the finished product. And it makes me…

Tina Puckett

You call your work ‘Woven Art’ can you expand on this choice of words?  My mother gave me a gift of a class on weaving an Egg Basket in the fall of…

Amy Genser

‘The sources of my work are textures, patterns, and grids.’ discuss your statement in relationship to your work. I love order and some form of…

Melissa Jay Craig

You make your own paper – what are the sources of your base materials? More and more, the fibres I use are ones I harvest from my small yard,…

Susan Wechsler

You can thank your mother for your mosaic art - explain.  My mom has always been a big influence on my creative life.  She is an artist too at a time…

Ola Shekhtman

Explain your training in St Petersburg in Russia? I was born in Siberia, but when I was 23 I moved to St Petersburg, worked as customs specialist in…

Stephen Knapp

Can you explain briefly the technique you use to produce your lightpaintings? Working with shapes that I have drawn my assistants cut and polish…

Karina Furhman

How often do you ask a person to pose for you? I imagine sculpting everyone I see. Everyone has beautiful details either in the bone structure or in…

Joan Waters

You began your art training in 1976 when did the use of welded steel begin and how? Some background—I was born in England, and grew up in Baltimore,…

Kristy Kun

Can you please comment on the statement, ‘Harnessed by the warmth and touch of her hands, wool emerges in a new dimension?’ I really can't stop my…

Amber Cowan

“I rework objects currently relegated to the aesthetic dustbin of history.  I reincarnate them into ornate abstractions.” Discuss this statement in…

Patrick Taylor

Comment on where you live and how it gives you your artistic inspiration? I have spent the better part of my childhood in the Southern United States.…

Barbara Burns

Can you expand on your relationship with fashion and your tapestry Revolution! Fashion Series?For about 10 years, I volunteered at a local…

Nicole Aquillano

What lead you to leave your former career and take up a full time career in ceramics? I realized that life was too short to not love what I do…