Joseph Genova
How does your connections to Italy influence your art? Ever since I was a little boy in Italy, art took centre stage in my life. I was attracted to…
Susan McMinn
Explain how you managed to link your PhD to a visit to Israel? My PhD research was around the horse in war during the Palestine Campaigns of WW1.…
Stephanie Ho
Can you discuss your style and the style of Lowry? People often said my works reminded them of L. S. Lowry, an important English painter in the mid…
The Melbourne Map
Melinda Clarke Can you tell us briefly of the history of the 1st Melbourne Map? Original: In my mid 20’s I headed off to explore the world and…
Rebecca Campbell
Discuss why you enjoy working in a studio with other people? As an artist life can be very solitary, early on I realised that I was going slightly…
James Hart Dyke
The more British Artists I interview the more often HRH The Prince of Wales name keeps coming up. Can you discuss the opportunities of this…
Caroline Bullock
Can you briefly explain the process of cyanotype and how you use this technique? Cyanotype is a photographic printing process that produces a cyan…
Emily Jones
You refer to your art as ‘Contemporary Representational’, can you expand on this? Yes, I use this term as my work is a synthesis of traditional…
Kevin Low
Your current exhibition is ‘Women and Men’ at Union Gallery in Edinburgh, discuss the title and how the exhibition was named. The title chose itself…
Henry Jabbour
You trained initially as a biologist and worked as a scientist, has this part of your past influenced your current art practice of painting people?…
Melissa Selby Brown
Discuss your series, ‘Outback’, taking us through the process from the road trip to the completed paintings. The prosaic fact of our daughter getting…
Steve Graham
Discuss how lemons have been so good to you?Lemon Coke, 30 x 30cm One of my first paintings to sell many years ago was a simple bowl of lemons on a…
Gail Dell
Your work is often described as ‘playful’ what are your own thoughts on this in relationship to your work? I find that life in the studio requires a…
Robert Kelsey DA
Can you expand on your involvement with the Paisley Art Institute? I have been involved with Paisley Art Institute for over 40 years. The Institute…
John Mutsaers
Can you discuss your series, ‘The Infinite Birdcage’? As this series is somewhat organic it makes it hard to suggest the number of works I will…
Patrick Taylor
Comment on where you live and how it gives you your artistic inspiration? I have spent the better part of my childhood in the Southern United States.…
Christine Webb
“My art practice is a core part of who I am, an extension of my environment and the various places I embrace.” Expand on this statement in…
Mark Noble
John Constable understood Turners vision as golden visions, glorious and beautiful. Can you discuss your own feeling related to the visions around…
Chris Langlois
You have had work in the travelling exhibition, ‘Points of Time’. Discuss some of the issues that you had to contend with due to the travel the…
Dinah Maxwell-Smith
Colour and light is a signature of your work can you expand on this? I LOVE colour and light. Colour is wonderful because it sings. There is joy…
James Mackenzie
On completing your degree, you taught, when did you decide to take on painting full time? While teaching Art and Design in secondary education for 8…
Lorenzo Chinnici
Can you explain about the chance meeting of your son with David Kent’s son in Brick Lane, London and where and how this lead to ‘Synergy of Sons’?…
Lucy Vader
How do you fit all that you do in, building design, painting and sculpture? Or is the only slow time when you have to rest your leg after breaking…
Shirley Cresswell
Discuss ‘Dinghies’ and why they inspire your art so much? I have spent my life from an early age going to the beach.... Algies Bay north of…
Susannah Blaxill
Composition and cropping is very important to your work can you expand on this? The paintings and drawings have to work on the page. The choice of…
Susan Laughton
Line is an important part of your work discuss? Drawing has always been an important form of expression to me, whether artistically, technically or…
Susan Harrison-Tustain
Perpetual Moment, Miniature painting, Watercolor on Arches 300gsm hot pressed paper, 130mm x 100mm Can we take your work in four sections? Close…
Michael Donnelly
What art qualifications do you have? How did you decide to become an artist? I have a degree in Art Education from what was the Alexander Mackie or…
Trina Bohan
Can you discuss your use of colour? I usually paint with an earth palette, ochre’s, umbers and greys. And add touches of pure crimsons and oranges.…
Catharine Davison
Can you discuss how place influences your work? (Take two pieces to show this.) I remember being visually aware as a child, growing up in Kilkeel…
Eva Mitera
How did the collaboration between Scotland and Poland come about? I first came to Edinburgh in 2005 or 2006 and loved it, the architecture mix of…
Gudmunda Kristinsdóttir
Can you discuss the importance of colour in your current work? The colours are essential in my work that is inspired by the nature of my country,…
Gudlaug Gunnarsdottir
You did your formal art training in Demark, can you explain how this came about? I was always certain about my future belonging to the practice of…
Ed Miliano
Can you explain about your time at the Pratt Institute in NY and why when it is mentioned in the art world we all sit up? I suppose it might be…
Ute Rathmann
Expand on the importance of looking at the work of past Masters in your work? I am very inspired by the work of past Masters. I tend to arrange my…
Alesandro Ljubicic
Alesandro at his easel Explain how your relationship with Sean Cook (Sydney florist) began? Our working relationship began when Sean enquired…
Zaria Forman
After attending Skidmore College in the USA, Zaria Forman developed her own technique. Not only does she use her fingers but her work is on a large…
Andrew Salgado
The size and scale of your images is huge. How do you physically cope with this aspect of your work? One of my favourite painters is Daniel* Richter,…
David Lake
Can you explain how you use colour to capture the time of day in your work? Work is often initiated and inspired by some reflection or catch light;…
Lan-Chiann Wu
Can you discuss your East and West arts education and the fusion of both in relations to your BFA with highest honours from Taiwan and your MA from…
Nadia Lazizi
You say you are a figurative artist. Can you explain how you understand this term in context to your work? For me, to be a figurative artist is to…
Helena McConochie
What has your painting taught you - have you developed new techniques? I don't believe my style has changed as such, I am amazed at how much more…
John Earles
You are the ‘Australian Man’, born and breed in Newcastle. Do you ever tire of your country? We can all tire a little of the environment which we see…
Denise Boineau
You have come from a fashion background, can you discuss ‘Vintour’, both the main frame and that ‘special’ viewer? Two things make fashion designers…
Loui Jover
You comment, ‘I paint, I draw, I do this every day.’ Can you elaborate on this comment? The comment you refer to in your first question can be taken…
Robert Knight
What lead you to a career in art? I remember from a very young age I loved to draw. My first painting set was given to me when I was about 10 years…
Anita West
Your current work is very different from your landscapes. Can you discuss your work ‘Banksia?’ This is the first painting in a new direction for me.…
Jenny Matthews
When or what made you decide to specialise in painting flowers? I have had an interest in wild flowers since childhood holidays in the Scottish…
William Linford
As a boy you grew up in rural Australia. You are still keeping this image alive today. Can you discuss ‘Mum Gets a Bat’ in this context? I come from…
Sasha Harding
Your aim is to capture the moment. Can you discuss this aspect of your work? I sometimes think of my paintings as snap shots a brief glimpse of a…