Corrina Sephora

Tell us about your studies in metal and sculpture in Boston. I studied Sculpture at MassArt, and I was fortunate to attend during an exciting time. I…

Linda Mitchell

Explain about your involvement in the Art in Embassies? The American Arts in Embassies program provides a database which allows US diplomats to…

Julie Easton

What led you to work with recycled materials? My mother grew up as a Mennonite on a rented farm in Oklahoma, USA during The Great Depression of the…

Michele D'Avenia

What was the point in time when you knew that you wanted to be an artist? Ever since I was a child, I have always been attracted to drawing. I…

Lauren Betty

Can you expand on your comment, “…there is a rhythm that exists on the farm” how does this rhythm influence your art? When my husband and I came…

Linda Coomber

Explain what led you to basket weaving?  My interest in basketry and fibre art is a mid-life phenomenon that grew out of a need and into a passion.…

Loren Eiferman

How overwhelmed do you feel about the environment we are passing onto the next generation? As with most of my circle, I feel very stressed about…

Veronica Hodges

 You are currently living and working in Denmark, how did this come about? I am born a raised in Denmark. My father was American and my mother…

Lindsay Madden

When did you become interested in using childhood in your work? During my time at university, I experimented with using photographic imagery in my…

Laura Baruël

Your work is varied from origami, plant printing and large paper art. How and why have Nordic flowers played such an important role in this work? At…

Helen McAllister

Explain about your training both PHD in Practice Design and MA in Embroidered Textiles. The Embroidery interest emerged in my final years in school.…

April Surgent

How did you first meet John Piatt? I met John in the spring of 2018, after a mutual colleague that I met on a job in California suggested I contact…

Kerry Miller

Can you expand on several of your floral works? One of the first flower book sculptures I made was called  “Plant Life of the Black Forest” where I…

Olivia Hickey

You are preparing for your upcoming Wilderness residency in 2019. Can you explain? I have been awarded a residency by Arts Tasmania for a 6-week…

Alison Crowther

Can you explain how you came to be working with wood, especially at such a large scale?  I started working with wood whilst doing my first degree in…

Deborah Kruger

Deborah Kruger, Chapala, Mexico Deborah Kruger’s inspiration is taken from bird migrational patterns.  Kruger’s work is a story, interwoven with…

Sidhart Sodhani

How did the Dye School coming into being?  I have been running a natural dye manufacturing and retail business over the past four and a half years…

Ruth Levine

Your art is about visual transformation of materials, discuss. I’m not intentionally an eco-artist. I see discarded and new materials in a…

Marlene Kawalez

Can you discuss the way you are currently working using a combination two materials, glass and clay within one piece? One of the most challenging…

Steve Axford

You are known for your photographs of fungi, how did this come about? By accident really. I had never been a photographer and I worked as, first a…

Evie Milo

You began your journey with a box of vintage buttons - tell us briefly about this creative journey?  I say that and it is partly true but in…

Joe Ganech

I first came across your work with Winston Churchill staring out at me.  Expand on several of your works where you have used famous people? I like to…

Massimo Leotardi

Before I ask you questions about your art work can I ask about gourds? Where did they come from originally? Gourds are hard-shelled plants, belonging…

Jennifer Collier

 Do the materials you source speak to you? The papers themselves serve as both the inspiration and the media for my work, with the narrative of the…

Jan Hopkins

Can you discuss the way you continue to use organic materials such as, plant pods, flowers, and peel? I love the challenge of finding new materials…

Chris Maynard

You have been working with bird feathers since you were twelve. Can you discuss your love affair with feathers? I still have some of the flamingo…